Secular/Sacred: Table of Contents

"Secular" and "Sacred" Objects: Illuminating the History of Classification Nancy Netzer

I. Beasts: Secular/Sacred
Fierce Lions, Clever Foxes, Diabolical Dragons: Animals Tell the Tales in Medieval Arts and Letters Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner

II. Ministers and Magistrates
Scrolling through History: La Chronique Universelle, Boston Public Library Lisa Fagin Davis
The Two Swords: Secular Magistracy and Sacred Ministry in Medieval and Renaissance Art Earle A. Havens

III. Worshipping a Worldly Virgin
The Sacred as Secular in Late Medieval Marian Piety Patricia Deleeuw

IV. Sacraments: Sacred and Profane
The Nuns of the Ronceray d’Angers and their Tapestries of the Eucharist Virginia Reinburg
Marking Time: The Lives of the Young in Fifteenth-Century Florence Laurie Shepard
In Vogue in Fifteenth-century Florence: the Material Culture of Marriage Stephanie C. Leone

V. Devotional Books and their Worlds
Illustrated Religious Books Virginia Reinburg
Kidnapping the Word of God Michael Connolly

VI. Sacred Goods/ Worldly Goods
Avarice, Money, and Judgment Day Pamela Berger
Status, Sanctity, and Silk in Late Anglo-Saxon England Robin Fleming
From Secular to Sacred: Islamic Art in Christian Contexts Sheila S. Blair and Jonathan M. Bloom