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Abyssinia, 1867–1868: Artists on Campaign
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America’s Eye: Irish Paintings from the Collection of Brian P. Burns
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Arnie Jarmak: Photographing Chelsea in Transition
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Artists and Writers: Sculpture by Michael de Lisio
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The Arts and Crafts Movement: Making it Irish
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Beyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections
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Cao Jun: Hymns to Nature
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Carrie Mae Weems: Strategies of Engagement
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Common Ground: Photographers on the Street
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Cosmophilia: Islamic Art from the David Collection, Copenhagen
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Courbet: Mapping Realism
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Cowboys, Indians & the Big Picture
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Cuenca: City of Spanish Abstraction
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Dura-Europos: Crossroads of Antiquity
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Eaglemania: Collecting Japanese Art in Gilded Age America
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Edvard Munch: Psyche, Symbol and Expression
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First Hand: Civil War Era Drawings from the Becker Collection
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Fragmented Devotion: Medieval Objects from the Schnütgen Museum, Cologne
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[Gone]: Site-Specific Works by Dorothy Cross
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Goya and the Satirical Print
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Hartmut Austen: Not There, Not Here
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House: Charged Space
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In a Perfect World: Bermuda in the Context of American Landscape Painting
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Indian Ocean Current: Six Artistic Narratives
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J. M. W. Turner and the Romantic Vision of the Holy Land and the Bible
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Jack Tworkov, 1935–1982: An Abstract Expressionist Inventing Form
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John La Farge and the Recovery of the Sacred
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Mariano: Variations on a Theme | Variaciones sobre un tema
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Mary Armstrong: Conditions of Faith
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Matta: Making the Invisible Visible
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Memory and the Middle Ages
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Mystic Masque: Semblance and Reality in Georges Rouault, 1871–1958
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Nature’s Mirror: Reality and Symbol in Belgian Landscape
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New England Sky: Alson Conley
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A New Key: Modern Belgian Art from the Simon Collection
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Original Visions: Shifting the Paradigm; Women’s Art, 1970–1996
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Pamphilj and the Arts: Patronage and Consumption in Baroque Rome
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Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision; From Nature to Art
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Portugal, Jesuits, and Japan: Spiritual Beliefs and Earthly Goods
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Protection, Power and Display: Shields of Island Southeast Asia and Melanesia
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Rafael Soriano: The Artist as Mystic | El artista como místico
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Raw, Weirdo, and Beyond: American Alternative Comics, 1980–2000
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Re/Dressing Cathleen: Contemporary Works from Irish Women Artists
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Roman in the Provinces: Art on the Periphery of Empire
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Rural Ireland: The Inside Story
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Saints & Sinners: Caravaggio & the Baroque Image
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Sarah Westlake: Drawing–Sculpture
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SecularSacred: 11th–16th Century Works from the Boston Public Library and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
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The Voice of the Spirits: Indigenous Art of Indonesia
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Wifredo Lam: Imagining New Worlds
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William Trost Richards: Hieroglyphs of Landscape


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McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, 2101 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02135
Postal address: 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
617.552.8587 • • © 2024 the McMullen Museum of Art and the Trustees of Boston College

Boston College