McMullen From Home

McMullen From Home

Visit, read, watch, listen, and explore with McMullen From Home. Tour current and past exhibitions in virtual walkthroughs, read digital exhibition catalogues, watch presentations of current research and publication highlights by prominent scholars on the McMullen’s YouTube channel, listen to podcasts with Boston College professors and students, and explore interactive spotlights to examine works from the permanent collection.

McMullen From Home

Virtual Walkthroughs

Did you miss an exhibition, or would you like to revisit one? Our virtual walkthroughs are like being there.

States of Becoming
The Lost Generation: Women Ceramicists and the Cuban Avant-Garde | La generación perdida: mujeres ceramistas y la vanguardia cubana
Gateway to Himalayan Art
Landscape of Memory: Seven Installations from the Barjeel Art Foundation (Sharjah, UAE)
American Alternative Comics, 1980–2000: Raw, Weirdo, and Beyond
Martin Parr: Time and Place
Mariano: Variations on a Theme | Variaciones sobre un tema
Taking Shape: Abstraction from the Arab World, 1950s–1980s
Indian Ocean Current: Six Artistic Narratives
Simon Dinnerstein: The Fulbright Triptych
Alen MacWeeney and a Century of New York Street Photography
Eaglemania: Collecting Japanese Art in Gilded Age America
Cuenca: City of Spanish Abstraction
Carrie Mae Weems: Strategies of Engagement
Cao Jun: Hymns to Nature
Nature’s Mirror: Reality and Symbol in Belgian Landscape
Esteban Lisa: The Abstract Cabinet
Rafael Soriano: The Artist as Mystic

McMullen From Home

Digital Exhibition Catalogues

Read and download full PDF versions of many of our exhibition catalogues.

Raw, Weirdo, and Beyond: American Alternative Comics, 1980–2000
Arnie Jarmak: Photographing in Chelsea in Transition, 1977–89
Indian Ocean Current: Six Artistic Narratives
William Trost Richards: Hieroglyphs of Landscape 
Eaglemania: Collecting Japanese Art in Gilded Age America
Cuenca: City of Spanish Abstraction
Carrie Mae Weems: Strategies of Engagement
Cao Jun: Hymns to Nature
Nature’s Mirror: Reality and Symbol in Belgian Landscape
Rafael Soriano: The Artist as Mystic | El artista como místico
Beyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections
   Access the full Publications archive here

McMullen From Home

YouTube Channel

Presentations of current research, publication highlights, art history crash courses, and more by prominent scholars and exhibition curators.


McMullen From Home


In-depth discussions of exhibitions and art by experts in the field.

Art in Focus: “Gateway to Himalayan Art” with Graduate Students Noël Ingram and Kelly Gray
Art in Focus: “Gateway to Himalayan Art” with Professors Matthew Vale and Yonder Gillihan
Art in Focus: “Landscape of Memory” with Professors Kristin Peterson and Renée Pastel
Art in Focus: “Landscape of Memory” with Professors Elitsa Molles and Maheen Haider
Art in Focus: “Martin Parr” with Professors Greer Muldowney and Ash Anderson
Art in Focus: “American Alternative Comics” with McMullen Intern Graduate Students
Art in Focus: “Mariano” with Oliver Wunsch and Kevin Lotery
Art in Focus: “Mariano” Interview with Curator Elizabeth Thompson Goizueta
   ...and more McMullen podcasts on the Terrace

McMullen From Home

Interactive Spotlights

Explore the most recent interactive display of an object from the McMullen here. Check back frequently as the collection grows.

Arthur Clifton Goodwin, The Custom House Tower from Long Wharf, 1913
Mourning Fan, c. 1830–34
Samuel M. Griggs, Rocky Coast, 1866
Alessandro Nelli, Augustus of Prima Porta, 1880–1900
James Miller, Peaceable Kingdom, n.d.


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McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, 2101 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02135
Postal address: 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
617.552.8587 • • © 2025 the McMullen Museum of Art and the Trustees of Boston College

Boston College