
Reflections in Black: African American Photographs from the Smithsonian Institution

September 26–December 7, 2003

Download the Discovery Guide, a set of exhibition notes and activities for elementary students.

The civil rights movement of the 1950s and the years that followed called African-American photographers like Moneta Sleet, Jr., Chandra McCormick, and Lou Jones to be “graphic historians,” photojournalists of events and memorializers of individuals both prominent and unknown. The same years saw strong growth and new directions in the art of photography.

In more than 130 images by African-American photographers, Reflections in Black captures the engagement of history and art, and the era.

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McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, 2101 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02135
Postal address: 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
617.552.8587 • • © 2025 the McMullen Museum of Art and the Trustees of Boston College

Boston College