Exhibitions & Publications

McMullen Museum exhibitions, more than eighty-five over three decades, comprise works loaned from institutions and collectors around the world. Research-driven with the aim of generating new knowledge on subjects relating to all areas of art history, exhibitions are curated by transdisciplinary teams of faculty scholars and international specialists.

McMullen Museum publications, edited by faculty curators, published by the Museum, and distributed by the University of Chicago Press, accompany exhibitions. Books are available for purchase in the Museum’s Atrium Shop and via Amazon and the University Chicago of Press. Click here to visit the free online archive of McMullen publications.


Wonders of CreationWonders of Creation: Art, Science, and Innovation in the Islamic World
February 9–June 1, 2025



States of BecomingStates of Becoming
September 9–December 8, 2024
Lost GenerationThe Lost Generation: Women Ceramicists and the Cuban Avant-Garde | La generación perdida: mujeres ceramistas y la vanguardia cubana
January 29–June 2, 2024
LandscapeGateway to Himalayan Art
September 5–December 10, 2023
LandscapeLandscape of Memory: Seven Installations from the Barjeel Art Foundation (Sharjah, UAE)
January 30–June 4, 2023
JarmakAmerican Alternative Comics, 1980–2000: Raw, Weirdo, and Beyond
September 6–December 4, 2022
JarmakArnie Jarmak: Photographing Chelsea in Transition, 1977–89
September 6–December 4, 2022
ParrMartin Parr: Time and Place
January 31–June 5, 2022
January 31–March 14, 2022
MarianoMariano: Variations on a Theme | Variaciones sobre un tema
September 7–December 5, 2021
Taking ShapeTaking Shape: Abstraction from the Arab World, 1950s–1980s
February 1–June 13, 2021
Indian Ocean CurrentIndian Ocean Current: Six Artistic Narratives
January 27–November 24, 2020
Willian Trost RichardsWilliam Trost Richards: Hieroglyphs of Landscape
September 9–December 8, 2019
DinnersteinSimon Dinnerstein: “The Fulbright Triptych”
September 9–December 8, 2019
MacWeeneyAlen MacWeeney and a Century of New York Street Photography
September 9–December 8, 2019
ArmstrongMary Armstrong: Conditions of Faith
September 9–December 8, 2019
EaglemaniaEaglemania: Collecting Japanese Art in Gilded Age America
February 11–June 2, 2019
CuencaCuenca: City of Spanish Abstraction
February 11–June 2, 2019
Carrie Mae WeemsCarrie Mae Weems: Strategies of Engagement
September 10–December 13, 2018
Hartmut AustenHartmut Austen: Not There, Not Here
September 10–December 13, 2018
Cao JunCao Jun: Hymns to Nature
February 5–June 3, 2018
Natures MirrorNature's Mirror: Reality and Symbol in Belgian Landscape
September 10–December 10, 2017
New England SkyNew England Sky: Alston Conley
September 10–December 10, 2017
Esteban LisaEsteban Lisa: The Abstract Cabinet
September 16–December 10, 2017
Raphael SorianoRafael Soriano: The Artist as Mystic
January 30–June 4, 2017
Beyond WordsBeyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections
September 12–December 11, 2016
Global ConcergencesAndrew Tavarelli: Global Convergences
September 12–December 11, 2016
Making it IrishThe Arts and Crafts Movement: Making It Irish
February 6–June 5, 2016
John La FargeJohn La Farge and the Recovery of the Sacred
September 1–December 13, 2015
Roman in the Provinces

Roman in the Provinces: Art on the Periphery of Empire
February 14–May 31, 2015

Wifredo LamWifredo Lam: Imagining New Worlds
August 30–December 14, 2014
Paris Night and DayParis Night & Day: Photography between the Wars
February 15–June 8, 2014
Courbet MappingCourbet: Mapping Realism; Paintings from the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium and American Collections
September 1–December 8, 2013
Portugal Jesuits JapanPortugal, Jesuits, and Japan: Spiritual Beliefs and Earthly Goods
February 16–June 2, 2013
Paul KleePaul Klee: Philosophical Vision; From Nature to Art
September 1–December 9, 2012
Rural IrelandRural Ireland: The Inside Story
February 10–June 3, 2012
Making HistoryMaking History: Antiquaries in Britain
September 4–December 11, 2011
Dura EuroposDura-Europos: Crossroads of Antiquity
February 5—June 5, 2011
Literary LivesLiterary Lives: Portraits from the Crawford Art Gallery and Abbey Theatre, Ireland
September 4—December 5, 2010
Asian JourneysAsian Journeys: Collecting Art in Post–War America
February 6–June 6, 2010
First HandFirst Hand: Civil War Era Drawings from the Becker Collection
September 5-December 13, 2009
The Book as ArtThe Book as Art: Artists’ Books from the National Museum of Women in the Arts
February 14–May 31, 2009
Mystic MasqueMystic Masque: Semblance and Reality in Georges Rouault, 1871–1958
August 30–December 7, 2008
Tree of ParadiseTree of Paradise: Jewish Mosaics from the Roman Empire
February 17–June 8, 2008
Pollock MattersPollock Matters
September 1–December 9, 2007
New KeyA New Key: Modern Belgian Art from the Simon Collection
February 10–July 22, 2007
CosmophiliaCosmophilia: Islamic Art from the David Collection, Copenhagen
September 1–December 31, 2006
Secular SacredSecularSacred: 11th to 16th Century Works from the Museum of Fine Arts and the Boston Public Library
February 19–June 4, 2006
Power of ConversationThe Power of Conversation: Jewish Women and Their Salons
August 22–December 4, 2005
Dorothy CrossGONE: Site-Specific Works by Dorothy Cross
April 14–July 12, 2005
Tree: A New VisionTREE: A New Vision of the American Forest
April 14–July 12, 2005
Julien LevyAccommodations of Desire: Surrealist Works on Paper Collected by Julien Levy
January 15–March 24, 2005
Fernand KhnopffFernand Khnopff: Inner Visions and Landscapes
September 19–December 5, 2004
June 14–August 29, 2004
Sarah WestlakeSarah Westlake: Drawings ↔ Sculpture
June 14–August 29, 2004
Roberto MattaMatta: Making the Invisible Visible
February 1–May 18, 2004
Reflections in BlackReflections in Black: African American Photographs from the Smithsonian Institution
September 26–December 7, 2003
AbyssiniaAbyssinia, 1867–1868: Artists on Campaign; Watercolors and Drawings from the British Expedition under Sir Robert Napier
June 11–September 7, 2003
Common GroundCommon Ground: Photographers in the Street
June 11–September 7, 2003
MicroworldsAncient Microworlds
June 11–September 7, 2003
Eire LandÉire|Land
February 2–May 19, 2003
Feldberg CollectionReclaiming a Lost Generation: German Self-Portraits from the Feldberg Collection
October 6–December 8, 2002
Cowboys IndiansCowboys, Indians & the Big Picture
October 6–December 8, 2002
Perfect WorldIn a Perfect World: Bermuda in the Context of American Landscape Painting
May 16–September 15, 2002
Andre MassonAndré Masson Inside/Outside Surrealism: Works from the Gotlieb Collection
January 28–April 28, 2002
Hope PhotographsHope [Photographs]
September 30–December 9, 2001
House: Charged SpaceHouse: Charged Space
June 11–September 16, 2001
Edvard MunchEdvard Munch: Psyche, Symbol and Expression
February 5–May 21, 2001
Forbidden ArtForbidden Art: The Postwar Russian Avant-Garde
October 15–December 10, 2000
Françoise GilotFrançoise Gilot, 1940–1950
June 14–September 24, 2000
Hand-Held DelightHand-Held Delight: The Eighteenth-Century Fan
June 14–September 24, 2000
Fragmented DevotionFragmented Devotion: Medieval Objects from the Schnütgen Museum, Cologne
February 6–May 22, 2000
Irish Art NowIrish Art Now: From the Poetic to the Political
October 1–December 12, 1999
Artists at BCArtists at Boston College: Celebrating 25 Years of Excellence in the Visual Arts
June 16–September 12, 1999
Saints and SinnersSaints and Sinners: Caravaggio and the Baroque Image
February 1–May 24, 1999
Imaging Meiji

Imaging Meiji: Emperor and Era, 1868–1912; Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Collection of Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf

October 4–December 6, 1998

Art and LiteratureArt and Literature: Three Exhibitions
June 23–September 20, 1998
Visionary StatesVisionary States: Surrealist Prints from the Gilbert Kaplan Collection
January 18–May 17, 1998
Re DressingRe/Dressing Cathleen: Contemporary Works from Irish Women Artists
October 5–December 7, 1997
In PrintIn Print: Contemporary Artists at the Vinalhaven Press
June 18–September 14, 1997
Original VisionsOriginal Visions: Shifting the Paradigm, Women's Art 1970–1996
January 26–May 18, 1997
J.M.W. TurnerJ. M. W. Turner and the Romantic Vision of the Holy Land and the Bible
October 8–December 15, 1996
A ShadowA Shadow Born of Earth: New Photography in Mexico
June 5–September 15, 1996
America's EyeAmerica’s Eye: Irish Paintings from the Collection of Brian P. Burns
January 26–May 19, 1996
Protection, Power and DisplayProtection, Power and Display: Shields of Island Southeast Asia and Melanesia
October 6–December 10, 1995
Memory and the Middle AgesMemory and the Middle Ages
February 17–May 23,1995


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McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, 2101 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02135
Postal address: 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
617.552.8587 • artmuseum@bc.edu • © 2025 the McMullen Museum of Art and the Trustees of Boston College

Boston College